COVID-19:東京海上記念診療所 遠隔ビデオ診療のご案内 / Video visits for patients by Mount Sinai Japanese Medical Practice


2020年3月26日 COVID-19 Current Situation in Japanese 日系コミューティのみなさまへ

COVID-19の世界的な感染拡大により、未曾有の状況になりました。ほぼ全ての州で自宅退避命令が出され、在宅勤務や自宅学習を余儀なくされている方が多いでしょう。 この厳しい状況の中で患者様とスタッフの安全を考え、私たち病院・診療所は、従来の診療方法を大幅に見直すことを決断いたしました。

B) 代わりにビデオによる遠隔診療サービスを開始(予約制)今回のCOVID-19パンデミックへの対応を契機に、東京海上記念診療所 – Mount Sinai Doctors Japanese Medical Practice (JMP)では、ビデオによる遠隔診療サービス「テレ・ヘルス」を開始しました。日本語と英語の両方を話せるバイリンガルの内科医・小児科医がビデオ診療を行い、日本人コミュニティの医療ニーズにお応えします。

1. コロナウイルスに関する懸念や質問について、経験豊富な日本語を話す医師と面談できます。
2. 医師が必要と判断した場合、COVID-19の検査や入院の必要性についてアドバイスを得ることができます。
3. 発熱や咳などの症状をビデオを通して診察することができます。また、これらの症状をご自宅で安全に管理するための幅広いアドバイスも提供いたします。
4. 隔離を余儀なくされ不安を抱えられている患者様のメンタルヘルスのご相談も受けられます。
5. 感染リスクのため来院を控えられている患者様に対し、COVID-19以外の一般的な健康問題についてのご相談も受けられます。


マンハッタンオフィス:Tel. 212-889-2119 電話受付 8am〜4:45pm(月〜金)
ハーツデールオフィス:Tel. 914-997-1220 電話受付 9am〜5pm(月〜金)


 東京海上記念診療所 事務長 土井 英太郎、院長・医師 桑間 雄一郎、医師 加納 麻紀、医師 木村 啓子、医師 ロザレス ロウェナ  

Dear Friends and colleagues:
We are currently experiencing an unprecedented situation with the worldwide spread of COVID-19.Due to shelter at home mandates in most states, people must stay at home and work from home. Children must also be home as most schools are now physically closed with online learning.
Many doctor’s offices have needed to adapt its practices dramatically for the safety of its patients as well as its staff.  Currently, most offices can only see emergency cases and they cannot allow patients with common symptoms such as fever, cough and upper respiratory symptoms to come in for an evaluation due to the risk of infection with COVID-19 as community outbreak is common. In addition, most doctor’s offices must ask healthy patients to postpone their appointments- annual check ups, well child checks- due to the risk that such healthy patients may be exposing themselves to infections.
The Mount Sinai Japanese Medical Practice (JMP), located in New York City and in Hartsdale, NY was established over 30 years ago and has been a leader in providing bilingual primary care for many years. The JMP has offered cutting edge, guideline based primary care to the large Japanese community in the tri-state area. The physicians and staff are bilingual and the practice accepts most major insurances.
In order to combat the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the Mount Sinai JMP has spearheaded tele health for the Japanese community, offering the highest quality video visits with Japanese speaking, bilingual internists and a pediatrician. The video health concept allows patients to:
1. Have a face to face consultation with an experienced Japanese speaking doctor regarding concerns and questions pertaining to the coronavirus.2. Get advice regarding the need for hospitalization and testing for COVID-19 as deemed necessary by the physician.3. Get a video visit for symptoms of fever and cough with comprehensive advice on how to safely manage the symptoms at home.4. Obtain mental health consultations as there is much anxiety and depression amongst patients who must socially isolate and quarantine themselves.5. Obtain Non COVID-19 consultations which pertain to general health for those who are reluctant to come to a doctor’s office due to infection risks.
At this extremely difficult time, the Mount Sinai JMP feels empowered be able to offer this vital service to the Japanese community, not only in the tri-state area but in any location, as long as the patient has wifi access and an ability to download a my chart app on their smart phone and to establish a my chart with our practice.Please contact us at JMP Manhattan office and JMP Hartsdale office for further information on how to establish a MyChart for a video health visit. JMP Manhattan office:  Tel. 212-889-21198am – 4:45pm (Mon. – Fri.)JMP Hartsdale office:  Tel. 914-997-12209am – 5pm (Mon. – Fri.) (JMP website link) (Video link for how to download and use MyChart app)  Thank you, Eitaro “Eddie” DoiDirector of Operations Yuichiro KuwamaJMP, Medical Director Maki Kano-LueckerathAttending, Internal Medical and Pediatrics Keiko KimuraAttending, Internal Medicine. Rowena Rosales,Attending, Internal MedicineAttachments areaPreview YouTube video How to Schedule and use MyChart Video VisitsHow to Schedule and use MyChart Video Visits